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Merry Christmas to all my blog readers! I am always finding inspiration from other's blogs and it means so much to me to read everyone's comments here. Please continue to visit! I hope you will all have a very happy holiday season, and that the new year will bring you peace, good health and much happiness.
hugs and happy stitching....lynda
the card in the photo was handmade by Donna, a stitching friend. She always makes wonderful cards each year. Thanks Donna!
Another week has gone by and we are that much closer to Christmas and I still have tons of stuff to do. And on top of everything, we are in the midst of a cold streak with snow and ice...something that is really quite rare for this area. When we want to see snow, we get in the car and drive up to Mt. Hood. This snowing in the valley stuff is just not right!Anyway, here is a photo of my second week's little gifties from my Advent partner.I also finished my bit for the Quaker Friendship Round Robin and sent it off today. I am excited about working on this project.
It's getting colder and very blustery. We're supposed to have snow in the valley tomorrow so I'm getting all bundled up now! Our fireplace (gas) is out and won't be fixed for another week, so there will be lots of cozy blankets and hot tea going around here!
Our tree is up and I hope to get it decorated sometime today. I finally got all my cards written and sent yesterday so that made me feel like I had accomplished something! We also did a little bit of Christmas shopping for Asher. He's really too little to understand this year, but it was fun for us anyway!
I finally got around to starting my bit for the Quaker Style Friendship Sampler RR. It has to be mailed this week so I want to have it finished before the weekend is over. I am stitching mine on a pewter jobelan with Carrie's Threads in Black Cherry. It will be fun to see the same design stitched six different ways.
I'm also working on a couple of ornies but I'll wait to show a photo until they are all finished.

Here is the reason I have been away from the computer all week...our grandson was staying with us while his mom was away. So all my time was spent playing with him and looking at him and marveling at what a little angel he is! Mommy came home last night and I miss him already!
I was able to finish "Quaker Christmas" before Asher arrived on Sunday which was a real treat. This photo is not very good. The lighting is awful and the fabric looks stained but hopefully I will get a better photo once it is framed! It is stitched on a beige linen using Carrie's Threads. I started stitching this with a SAL group around the first of the year and have been working on it off and on since then. Thanks to the Let's Stitch group I have really been motivated to finish it by the holidays. It is kind of large but a real pleasure to stitch for anyone who may be thinking of giving it a go!
I signed up for the Advent exchange at the CCS yahoo group this year. It is a fun exchange where each person sends 25 small gifts to their partner, one to open each day throughout Advent. These can be numbered or not. Here is a photo of the first seven of my little gifts. My partner is Liz from Gibraltar and I hope she is having as much fun with her little surprises as I am with mine!

stitching goals and an update....
November goals:
continue stitching on Quaker Christmas - DONE!
continue stitching on Three Things - no
ornie for JCS SAL - DONE!
ornie for PS exchange - DONE!
fair & square squares for Christmas round - DONE!
fair & square squares for round 10 - DONE!
monthly challenge: needlebook - DONE!
December goals:
finish Quaker Christmas
continue stitching (& hopefully finish!) Three Things
2 holiday ornies for Vonna's seasonal challenge
Quaker Friendship Round Robin - my bit on my piece
The picture shows my progress on Quaker Christmas so far.

I recently received two wonderful ornies in exchanges. The first was from an exchange on the San-Man message board. Louise stitched this adorable snowman for me. It is by Helga Mandl Designs and was featured in last month's Gift of Stitching magazine. The second ornie was for an exchange with the Stitching Buddies group. This design is from Midnight Stitching and it was an exclusive design given to participants at the Stitcher's Timeout retreat in September. I didn't have a chance to go in person (Flat Lynda went instead!) and I loved this design from the minute I saw it. I was so thrilled that Lavon chose to stitch it for me.
Both of these ornies will look great on the tree this year and for many years to come. Thanks again!