Since the first New Moon of the new year is fast upon us, I thought I had better post my last TUSAL pic from 2013 before it is too late! This past month has been a very stressful one for my family...and things are still not totally resolved....but with the new year I am determined to try at least to get things back to normal...or at least a little bit!
So this is my 2013 looks like I did lots more stitching than it feels like I did! I am going to use the same container for 2014...I love the rounded shape. It will be fun to compare this to next year's.
No real stitching goals for the new year...I have joined the Stitch From Stash SAL and am going to try and not buy anything new this year. I have so fact, I may be posting some (or lots) of stuff for sale sometime soon. When going through my patterns, I found so many duplicates (ugh!) as well as things I know I will just never do. Tastes change...and I am one of those people that tends to jump in and then later wonder why I ever bought that one in the first place! So, no hopping on every new bandwagon that comes along...and this year I am going to stitch for the joy and pleasure it brings deadlines, no trying to keep up...just re-discovering why I love stitching so much in the first place.
My wonderful hubby gifted me with a new laptop for Christmas, so I hope to keep up with my blog on a more regular basis this year as well. This is first and foremost a stitching blog, but I'd like to maybe expand that a bit...who knows...I have lots of stuff going around in my head right now...don't want to bore anyone though!
The older I get, the more time seems to fly by, and there is so much I want to get done. Right now I am feeling very overwhelmed, but also very grateful. This past year has been one of real highs and real lows...unanticipated times and sad times...I know that many of you have had rough times this year as well, and I hope that 2014 brings more good than bad into everyone's lives.
Thank you to all of you that follow this blog. It means so much to me that you take the time to read and comment on what I have to share. I hope to spend more time visiting with all of you on your blogs as well, and getting to know everyone better. I wish you all a safe, healthy and happy new year.
Thanks again for taking the time to visit.
Wildwood Dwellings Fabric Tour
4 days ago