Monday, July 27, 2015

stitch from stash report

Month: July
Amount Spent: 13.77
Amount Earned: 14.00

I started this second half by spending a little, but earning a little too! I bought two Halloween charts from Midnight Stitching that I am hoping to get stitched before the holiday.

My finish is a piece that I started several years ago. I misplaced it, and then found all the parts, thankfully! It is called Apple Tree Sampler by Hawkins House. The fabric is a little more yellow than it shows in the photo. I'm really glad that I was able to finish this one.

I'm excited to see how everyone else did this month!

late TUSAL report

Yup...late again. I guess i have 5 more months to get it right!

Anyway, here is my pet froggy, with his dish of orts...

\See you next time!