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for today...april 20
outside my window...the sun is trying to peek through
i am thinking...that it's high time i got my stitching mojo back
i am thankful...that we had a wonderfully relaxing week and got home safely
from the kitchen...leftover pasta, shrimp, mushrooms & sundried tomatoes
i am wearing...capris & paisley
i am reading...The Spellmans Strike Again
i am hearing...lots of background library noise
a few plans for the rest of the week...trying to get my office cleaned out
i am hoping...for a quiet evening
one of my favorite things...nutella on toast
a photo to of my kitties, Jack, helping me stitch

to read more daybooks, please look here.
mahalo for visiting!
for today...april 13outside my window...there is an airplane waiting for us to board iti am hearing....lots of announcementsi am wearing...comfy traveling clothesi am thankful...that we got through security painlesslyi am missing...our doggies alreadyi am thinking about...yesterday's fun at Safeco Fieldi am reading...The Tale of Appleback Orchardi am hoping...for an uneventful flighta few plans for the rest of the week...lots of warm sunshine, beaches & relaxationi am grateful...for my hubby, sleeping next to me on a chair, who was smart enough to know we needed a real vacation
Please read more daybooks here.
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And maybe a surprise!
I tried to do this quite some time ago when I first started blogging,but I didn't get any response. Now I've seen something similar on two other blogs that I love so I'm going to try again.
There have been many times when I have come across a pattern from someone's wish list or a little trinket or stitchy surprise and I've thought that it would be fun for a certain someone...only problem is that I never seem to have any addresses. I do have some from groups or exchanges, but not often for blogging friends.
So, if you feel comfortable sharing your address with me, please send it in an email ( with "friend" in the subject.I promise not to share your information with anyone, unless I check with you first. If you could also include your blog address or email, and maybe a link to your wish list or something that you might especially like.
Now that I'm reading this it sounds like I'm asking for an awful lot...I don't mean to! I completely understand if you don't want to do this, but I just thought I'd throw it out there for fun. I can't promise to send something to everyone who responds...but you never know...and surprises...even little ones...are always fun!
Thanks for visiting!
This does not happen very often lately, so I am taking advantage! I got home a bit early from a meeting and decided to use those extra found minutes to catch up a bit here. The sun looks like it is trying to peek through but it is having a hard time!
I am finally starting to feel better. I was sick in bed all last week with strep throat. Ick! I haven't felt that bad in a long long time. Somewhere along the way I dropped my glasses on the floor and stepped on them and broke on Saturday morning I finally had to get out of bed to go get new glasses. Probably a good thing since I hadn't been to the eye doctor since 2007! Anyway, on Sunday we had a lovely dinner out for Easter and on Monday I went back to work. Still not feeling 100% but definitely getting there. And next week we are on vacation...yeah!
So I haven't done any stitching for nearly 2 weeks but I do have a few things to share. I stitched two exchanges which have been received, and appreciated, which makes me very happy!
The first was stitched for a pin pillow exchange that Becky hosted on her blog. I stitched the March Quaker freebie from The Workbasket, on a bone evenweave using Crescent Colours floss in "Spinach".
The second piece is also a pillow. I mentioned in a previous post that I had totally forgotten to send a PIF out on time and I was very embarrassed by that. So this is what I it a pattern from The Sampler Girl, It's a Wonderful Life, stitched on a neutral linen using the called for DMC threads.
These were my first two pillow type finishes and I was really pleased with the way they turned out. I'd like to get my sewing machine working...I think that would make the finishing go much faster!I also was the recipient of some wonderful stitchy mail treats. About a year or so ago, one of my stitching friends, Tami, stitched Tea and Stitches from Victoria Sampler. I love this design so much and asked her if I could have the pattern when she was finished with it. Well, not only did she send me the pattern, but she also sent me the beautiful piece that she stitched! as well as another lovely piece. Tami and her family have so much going on right now and it just touches my heart that she thought of me at this time. Thanks again know how much this means to me.
And lastly, today when I got home from work this beautiful surprise was waiting in my mailbox! I was the lucky giveaway winner on Barbara's blog. She made this adorable easel finish with stitching and a needle magnet on one side, and a beautiful lace scissor pocket on the other. It is already propped up on my stitching table! Thanks so much Barbara!

So I guess my found time is up and I must take the doggies out for a walk! Thanks for visiting!
for today....april 6
outside my is dark
i am thankful....for the start of baseball season
i am reading....some Sookie Stackhouse stories
i am looking forward to....seeing my grandson this weekend
i am grateful....that i am finally starting to feel better after more than a week of being sick
from the kitchen....yummy chicken
i am creating....controlled chaos
a bit of spring to share...

please read some other wonderful daybooks here
thanks for visiting!