Sunday, April 3, 2011

april 3 - totally useless

Another new moon is upon us...where do these months go?

We had our grandson for a sleepover last night and spent some time yesterday at a great indoor play area...the best part about this one is that they had a special section just for the little ones with the same kinds of activities but in a scaled down size. It was lots of fun!

I'm working on a small spring piece right now but don't have a photo yet, but I do have a photo of my TUSAL jar ...I think I may have to look for a larger jar soon! This month I have added threads from lots of small projects as well as a few finishing bits & pieces.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. lovely looking jar Lynda! well done :) can't wait to see photos of your spring project :)

  2. Sounds like a fun day with your GS and your jar looks like you've been busy!

  3. Looks like you have been very productive this month! We had our DGD over last night too - what fun!

  4. what does tusal stand for? I see what it is but would like to know this. i am new to needlework blogging and i plan to start my own tusal jar.

  5. I think there is a caterpillar in your ORT jar!!! Oh wait, maybe that is just a snippet of green trim!

    Lovely ORTs, Lynda!

  6. Looking good - I do like the green trim bit - it does look like a caterpillar!!!


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