We are off on a 10 day trip back East at the end of the week...a family reunion as well as a wedding. We will be flying into Portland, Maine for the reunion, taking a one-day excursion to Nova Scotia, driving through New England, stopping in Connecticut and then on to New Jersey for the wedding and down to Middletown (where we used to live) for a day before we come home. So...we had to find a place for our puppies. Originally, my daughter was going to take care of them, but then she decided that she really wanted to come along on the trip. So we had a friend's son who was going to help out, but then he got a new job and the hours wouldn't work. So we looked on-line and found "Club Mutt". This lady has turned her entire house into a doggie "Bed and Bone" as she calls it. They have a huge yard (actually 4 yards), a pool, their own room...it's amazing! She even has a "time-out" area! We took the doggies over last night for a sleepover and they both fit right in and did really well so I feel good about leaving them for the long trip. I just couldn't stand the thought of leaving them in kennels. They're just not used to cages and it would have broken my heart. The separation is bad enough!
Wildwood Dwellings Fabric Tour
1 week ago
I am glad you found that place for your dogs.