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We're making a pit stop at home...Ashland was wonderful (I'll share a few pictures after the weekend) and we've come home to pick up the dogs and head off to the Coast (Manzanita) tomorrow for a couple of days. Above is a bit of a crooked shot of my progress on my "car" piece. I may actually have it finished by the end of our trip. We'll see!I was able to stop at two LNS on our trip. On the way down we stopped in Eugene and I went to Mindy's Needlepoint Factory. This is a cute little shop that has lots of fabrics, ribbons, needlepoint canvases and lots of cross-stitch. I picked up a few patterns and would have bought more, but....the shop marks everything up! All of the patterns I looked at were marked at least $1.00 higher than other shops and the Weeks I wanted was .45 more per skein than anywhere else. I can't figure out why she does this...I'm sure the rents are high but it really put a sour taste in my mouth. On the way home we stopped at a great little shop ion Medford called Stitchin' Tyme. Her inventory is a bit smaller,but she also had lots of fabrics and threads and a good selection of patterns, as well as some kits and stitching gadgets. I managed to pick up several designs there as well. And I was able to get the Weeks color I needed for the normal price!Must get the laundry done now so we can re-pack our bags for tomorrow!Thanks for visiting!
The sun is shining and it looks to be a beautiful day...we have had intermittent downpours the last couple of days, which sound like a herd of elephants galloping across the roof here at the library!I was able to get some stitching done this weekend. No pictures to show yet because it was for an exchange. I stitched up my squares for Round 13 at Fair & Square. I had trouble deciding on a design, but once I did it was smooth sailing! I really enjoyed the stitching, so I hope my partner will like it too. I'm off to the post office in a bit to mail them off, along with some birthday flosses and a round robin.We are on vacation next week and it can't come soon enough! Both hubby and I are just bone-tired lately and are really looking forward to a week away from work. Our anniversary is this Friday, so we are going to celebrate for a whole week!Tomorrow are the interviews for our new library director. There are 5 candidates, and I will be meeting them as well since I will be giving them each a tour of our facility after their interview. I re-read the applications (3 of the 5 were some of my higher picks) so it will be interesting to see what they are like in real life as opposed to on paper!One last thing...Cindy has reached 10,000 hits on her blog...amazing!...and she is having a giveaway to celebrate. Check it our here!Thanks for visiting!

This has been another busy week, and it looks like another busy one ahead!
Work has been crazy...we finally finished 2 weeks of interviewing for a library assistant position and have settled on 2 candidates (we have 2 openings). Then we had a safety inspection this week, so everything had to be in tip-top shape. I spent one day at home, literally watching paint dry! It was our turn to have the front door painted and since we have the two dogs and 2 cats at home I didn't just want someone to come in and take care of it. Besides I didn't mind having a day off from work! I was feeling kind of sick... a touch of food poisoning I think...anyway. The smell from the paint was awful! I had to have all the windows open for hours and it was cold! Luckily for me I had to spend lots of time in the was the warmest spot in the house!
Anyway, this week, my co-manager is on vacation, and the interviews for our new director are taking place. I will be giving them all individual tours of the library on Thursday. I'm anxious to see who the five final candidates are since I was in on the initial screening process. Should be an interesting day!
I did get a little bit of stitching done...finished "Peacock Heart" - the thread dye lot is a bit different, but it really isn't too visable in person. I also did my bit on a round robin last night. Our group is stitching the Quaker Friendship Sampler. This fabric ophotographs very gray, but it is really a beige color. The thread is Bing Cherry by Crescent Colours. My bit is in the upper right.
Now it's off to do some errands and then home to stitch (I hope!)
Thanks for visiting and hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. The sun is shining here so I am one happy camper!
I couldn't remember where I had found the peacock heart freebie in my last post...Carolyn asked about it so I did some searching. It id designed by Marie W. and you can find it here on the January 12th post.
Also, there is a giveaway going on here for a really cute pattern and fabby.
Hope you are all having a great day...thanks for visiting!
Just a quick remeinder...don't forget to visit Edgar and help him celebrate his blogoversary!
And Steph is also having a wonderful giveaway at her blog. Stop by and visit her too!