Hi everyone! I can't believe it has been two months since I posted last! where did the summer go?
Here is a link to what my life as been like for the past year...I hope this works. It is a time lapse of our new library addition being built. We moved into the new addition at the end of July, and now the contractors are working on re-doing the original Carnegie Library. The entire project is supposed to be finished by the end of September, and we have scheduled our grand opening for October 15, so I hope it is done on time! September was spent boxing up all of our stuff (while still keeping the library open)...quite the mess! And then we were closed for three weeks in July while we physically moved everything and continued to sort through the thousands of books we put into storage 6 years ago. Needless to say, many of those had to b discarded...they were in such bad shape. It always breaks my heart to discard a book...but it had to be done. So now, everything we own is crammed into the new addition, but the library looks wonderful! Our patrons love it...staff is thrilled...we have windows all around, so it is a bright space. After 2 years, I have a proper office...with a ceiling, a door and a window...yay! Right now, I am sharing with another person, but only until the Carnegie is completed.
Anyway, you can imagine that most days I went home from work exhausted...especially these last couple of months. Not much stitching happened, since most nights I took care of our dogs, had a bite to eat and crashed in hubby's recliner until he got home! I did discover Flosstube however, after Vonna posted a link to her video, and have been addicted ever since. It is fun to watch everyone's videos and see all the great stitching being done. I've discovered new designers (to me) and floss and
fabric suppliers...not to mention needleminders...my newest growing collection.

Just lots of fun all around.
I wish I had the courage (?) to post a video of my own, but that is so far out of my comfort zone...I don't think it will ever happen. But I really do want to get back to blogging and I was thinking hat I might start doing blog posts as if I was doing a video...same kinds of things...showing updates,, new stash, tags, etc. We'll see. I'm determined to start taking back the parts of my life that have been thrown to the wayside over the past year!
So...I guess I'll start with my poor froggy, who has been waiting patiently for two months now to show our orts! This first pic is my June orts...
this next one is from July...
It looks like more than I remember stitching, but that's ok!
I did manage to meet some of my goals from June. Here is my monthly ornament...and my Cross eyed Cricket mitten. June was also Whine and WIPs month on Stitch Maynia, and I wanted to work on some Blackbird Designs pieces. So I started and finished
Autumn Silhouette...
(sorry for the hoop marks)
and finally finished
Morning Star
which I am embarrassed to say was started in September of 2014! I can't believe I ever put it aside...it was such a quick finish! I also stitched a small Bent Creek block for the Stitchers' Timeout block exchange.
July did not go as well. The only finish I had was an ornament
from My Big Toe Designs
and I think that was the last day of the month! I did start a mitten, and a new SAL...
Welcome to Oz from petalpusher Designs, but I think that was about it! Oh...I also started the Long Dog Sampler
Death by Cross Stitch, but so far I have only stitched the first row of stitches!
So August is going to be catch up month! I am hoping to finish my July mitten and stitch one for August, stitch an ornament, finish Part One and Part Two of the Oz SAL and maybe stitch a bit more on the Long Dog Sampler. We'll see!
Sorry I've rambled for so long. If you have made it this far...thank you for taking the time to visit.
Until next time...happy stitching!