So I've been trying to stay on top of my stitching, without getting crazy...and the end result is that I am enjoying every stitch and really relaxing...which is what it's all about, right?
At Stitchers Timeout, we always have a "January 1 Start" SAL, and this year I chose to stitch Autumn Band Sampler from Little House Needleworks. And I actually managed to finish in January! putting the last stitches in yesterday morning before work. I am going to miss stitching on this one. It is stitched on a fabric from Picture This Plus...I think the color is magnolia...and the fabric is wonderful to work on. I used the recommended threads from Crescent Colours...all my favorite autumn shades. The photo isn't the best, but you'll get the idea!
At Every Stitch Counts, Karen is designing a House a Month SAL for us. I was going to stitch them all on one piece and then decided to do them individually instead. I picture a basket full of little pillows, or maybe door hangers...not sure yet. Anyway, I'm stitching these on a natural aida...with DMC threads. Here is January's (I haven't added the beads yet, because I misplaced my beading needle, but there will be some berries in those little green bushes one day!

Finally, here is my progress on Nancy's Traditional Sampler. I'm not sure what band I am up to because Bands 1-6 are all together on one pattern...but I'm thinking maybe 3. I love stitching this piece and look forward to Friday nights stitching along with Ally, Gilly and Frances from Friendly Stitchers.
I also made some more progress on Dandy Dreams this week, but forgot to take a picture. Maybe my next one will be the finished piece!
Thanks for stopping by to visit, and thanks for your comments! They are always appreciated.