Back to work today - I decided to bring one of my small pieces - Waiting for the Harvest - with me and actually have had a few moments to take a break and stitch a bit! I think I will just leave it here for the week and see how much I can accomplish.
Yesterday, we I rearranged the furniture in the living room (the second time since we took our tree down this year!) and was able to make room to bring my stitching lamp back downstairs. What a treat! I love stitching in that room and it has been such a hassle not having the lamp there for the past couple of years. I was working on Three Things yesterday, and forgot how much I love working on this piece. I don't know why I keep putting it down! But this year I am determined to finish it and so I have put it number one on my "UFOs to finish" list. I will post a photo at the end of the week to show how far I've come along.
So, I know that many of you love to read, and I'm sure that some of you have e-readers, right? I received one last year for Christmas (a Sony Reader) from my husband, and I was really enjoying it, but somehow, after our trip to Maui in April, it stopped taking a charge. Jeff thought that maybe it had water damage. Of course, this is the one gift that he has ever paid cash for, and we couldn't find the receipt anywhere.
Fast forward to this Christmas, and guess what? Jeff buys me a new improved Sony reader for Christmas. Except that it wasn't so improved. I had so many problems with it from the first day that they ended up sending me a new one within the first week. But it still wouldn't work properly. So I decided to stop being frustrated and just return it and get something else.
They were very nice at the Sony store, gave me back my money, and off I went to Barnes & Noble to get a Nook. I brought it home (not the color model) and began playing with it. Troubles again. I couldn't get a consistent connection to purchase books and the library download was giving me problems as well. And my fingers were too big for the keyboard...I kept hitting all the wrong keys. So, back to Barnes & Noble I went and got my money back.
I finally decided to give the Kindle a try. My main reason for not wanting to get a Kindle was because Kindle does not support Overdrive, which is the system that gives us our library books to go. But after really looking through the books available from the library, I realized that there really weren't that many that I wanted badly enough to suffer through the craziness I had experienced with the Sony and the Nook.
So off to Amazon I went, and within one hour of opening the box I had downloaded 2 books with no problem. I now have about a dozen on there, most of which (including all my Jane Austen's) were free! I am so happy! And I even have a little Vera Bradley bag that it fits perfectly in. So I am now a happy Kindle camper and would recommend these to anyone looking for an e-reader. (it will even read the book to you!...I'm excited to try this while stitching. How nice it would be not to have to stop and change the CD all time!)
I want to thank everyone who has been leaving such wonderful comments during the challenge. Please keep after me to finish all these new starts!
Thanks for visiting!