Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18 - yes!!!

I am finally starting to feel like a member of the living again! Having Asher here this weekend really's hard to feel lousy when I look at that face!

So, I got a good chunk of my cards ready to mail, some gifts ordered, some others bought and ready to mail tomorrow, and a couple of great toy deals. I at least feel like I'm starting to be ready for Christmas!

Tomorrow, my day starts with blood work, and then stop by the post office, grab something to eat (I'm fasting) and then on to work. It really doesn't feel like I had a vacation, but the next two weekends are long ones, so that will be fun. I still have to get all my challenge stuff ready to go...

Off to bed...thanks so much for taking the time to visit!


  1. hello deary..happy monday..
    have a lovely day.
    love cucki xx

  2. Hooray! Glad you are feeling better. It really stinks that you were sick your whole vacation.

  3. So glad you are feeling better!


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