Somehow the first of the month came and went without me noticing! I did really well with my October goals - finished 3 ornaments and 3 monthly block exchange squares. I also finished the monthly challenge Halloween piece and continued working on my 2 biggest WIPs - "Three Things" and "Quaker Christmas". Plus I managed to stitch a couple of other small pieces and finish a UFO! For this month, I just want to continue with those 2 pieces and finish up a few outstanding exchanges, as well as the monthly challenge - a needlebook.
I've been working on my holiday squares but had to frog out a whole section that I worked on today after work because I was half a stitch off. I re-stitched the area but it kind of slowed me down.I really do not stitching on this linen!
Saturday Stitching Station
4 days ago
Lynda... what a lovely blog page. I loved looking at everything! I have really missed you. Tami